Message From Vice President
It is the matter of immense satisfaction that CUSIT has emerged as renowned seat of learning within a short span of 14 years. It has accomplished much and has been making all-round progress.
The university is committed to provide quality education and the qualification gained by our students is recognized and respected by the employers and academics. The programs of this university are accredited with bodies like Pakistan Engineering Council.
The pragmatic approach of this institution has developed a favorable system which is honored and followed by all concerned. Here, the motto is quality not quantity. The quality of the students is directly linked with the quality of the faculty. Our well qualified and talented faculty is playing a great role in bringing improvement both in academics and research.
This rising standard of academic grooming, quality of research, number of graduates produced and growing number of research publication have earned a higher category and ranking to the university at national and international level.
Student’s welfare fund has been established to help deserving and needy students. In fact, students are the main focus of our hopes and efforts and it is a pleasure for me that the students and parents understand the sincerity & our efforts.